Welcome to IRMO
For over 40 years, IRMO has been led by and for the Latin American community, building deep ties and trust across the UK as we fight for a future where everyone can access their rights, live free from poverty and discrimination, and pursue their aspirations without barriers.
Everything we do, from front-line services to advocacy, aims to enable the development, agency and participation of all Latin Americans and Spanish and Portuguese-speaking migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees, as they settle and build their lives in the UK.
To address the daily discrimination and intersectional challenges that our communities face, we provide wrap-around support tailored to the unique needs of individuals and families, including high-quality advice and casework and development opportunities for all ages.
All of our services are culturally sensitive, delivered in Spanish and Portuguese, and are directly informed by the lived experiences of those we serve. We also advocate for long-term social and systemic change through advocacy, independent research and effective partnerships.
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Our Values
We are driven by a commitment to social justice for the communities we serve. We are accountable, we learn from our experiences and always act with care and responsibility.
We communicate in an open, honest and accessible way to best support our community, expand our reach and build cohesion around our mission.
We listen to our community and partners to strengthen our work. We value the knowledge, skills and experience they bring, and work together to create lasting change.
We stand alongside all migrants and those fighting for social justice. We are part of the migrant movement and value the strength in our collective experiences and unity.
Our Impact
Powered by our incredible team, funders and partners, we’re able to support many people across London and the UK every week, on matters day-to-day and life-changing. And every year, our reach continues to grow.

Our History
- IRMO began as Chile Democrático, one of the first Latin American organisations and campaigns in the UK. Founded in 1982, the group provided vital support to political refugees and their families through English classes, welfare advice and advocacy for political change in Chile.
- In 2000, we became the Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation (IRMO), reflecting London’s diverse Latin American community, including those fleeing violence and political and economic instability.
- In 2005, we moved to Lambeth, home to the largest concentration of Latin Americans in the UK. Since then, we have continued to evolve with the community, adapting to emerging needs and challenges.
- In 2008, the economic recession hit Europe, and Latin Americans who had previously migrated to European countries came to the UK in search of new opportunities.
- In 2012, Latin American organisations in the UK joined forces and created CLAUK (the Coalition of Latin Americans in the UK) to make visible and represent the collective interests of the community.
- In 2020, we responded to the impact of Covid-19 on our community, expanding services, disseminating official information in community languages, advocating for healthcare access, and creating specialised support for the most vulnerable.
- In 2022, we completed a total refurbishment of our centre, giving us a new and vibrant community space. The same year, we celebrated our 40th anniversary.
- In 2024, we completed our new website and rebranding project to allow us to better inform and serve the community, giving us the IRMO you can see today.
Our Partnerships
We understand that lasting change is best achieved through collaboration, and we have a strong history of working in partnership. These partnerships help us tackle complex issues, share resources, exchange best practices and address common challenges together. Our current partnerships include:
Working together since 2012, CLAUK has been a collective voice for Latin Americans in the UK, advocating for the community’s interests, raising awareness of key issues and campaigning for positive change. The coalition is made up of Latin American-led organisations from across the UK voluntary sector and is currently chaired by IRMO.

Place for All
Founded in 2019 by High Trees, IRMO and the Baytree Centre, Place for All (PFA) is a group of local charities focused on supporting migrants and refugees in South London. It provides access to advice services, employment support and English courses. IRMO currently leads the partnership.
In 2021, we expanded to launch the Advice in Community Settings project, providing advice services at over 15 locations to support those most vulnerable in accessing rights and entitlements. This was followed by Propel, a training programme for advisers from underrepresented communities—delivered with LAWRS and Southwark Law Centre in addition to the three original partners—to strengthen the capacity of community organisations in the advice sector.
Founded in 2016 and led by High Trees, Building Young Brixton (BYB) is a partnership of 10 Lambeth youth service providers. Each year, BYB works with over 1,000 children and young people and has created a blueprint for community partnerships in Lambeth.
Within the collaboration, each organisation brings their unique approach to youth work, ensuring that we collectively increase opportunities for young people to thrive across the borough.
The Lambeth Community Research Network (LCRN) is a collaboration that seeks to build the capacity of local people and community organisations to lead research on topics that matter to them. Through the network, we champion action-focused research that leads directly to positive change for local communities. IRMO is part of the LCRN Steering Group.
The Lambeth Peer Action Collective (LPAC) is a collective of young people and youth organisations based in Lambeth. It aims to empower young people to take a lead role in identifying, researching and acting on issues that affect them, working together to create a better future for young people in their community. The partnership is made up of six place-based charities, who provide support for youth-led research and social action to take place.